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Animal Communication Sessions

If Your Pet Trying To Tell You Something?

We love our pets like family, but do not always understand what they are trying to tell us through their behaviors or symptoms. Elizabeth is able to connect with pets in a way to “see” and “hear” what they are trying to convey and translate that information to owners.



• Communication with the pet in advance to open up a conversation

• Eliciting the major concerns or worries the pet has or has had

• Outlines the overall adaptive qualities both positive and negative they have

• In partnership with the owner a plan of action emerges that makes sense

An Animal Communication Reading with Elizabeth will help you gain a deeper understanding of what makes your animal tick as well as what their soul contract is with you. Through the combination of your own intuitive sense being validated and Elizabeth’s communication with your pet, together you will be able to create a road map that promotes peace and harmony in the changing needs of your animal.

Thoughts From Previous Clients

  • “Elizabeth’s reading was so spot on, insightful, and helpful in resolving a difficult decision I was avoiding re: a conflict among our animals. Thank you! We are a much happier household.”

    Jane, MA
    Jane, MA Client
  • “I contacted Elizabeth about both my horse and myself initially because we were having some connection as well as physical problems together. She immediately did a quick read on us both on the phone and was super right on. What  impressed me the most was she went way over the free call time and then recommended I see another practitioner who works intuitively only with horses. That level of professionalism and generosity is hard to come by. I am very grateful “

    Barbara, VA
    Barbara, VA Client

Individual Results May Vary
(Google Makes Me Say That)

Frequently Asked Questions

About My Animal Communication Sessions

What Is The Fee For A Animal Communication Session?

Please refer to my Fees Page for detailed pricing information on all my consultation services.

Click Here To For My Pricing Information

What Is The Purpose Of The Free 10 Minute Consultation

This brief conversation is intended to ensure that my services are right for you before we commit to a full length paid consultation.

How Can Elizabeth Work With People At A Distance

I am able to connect into your unique energy through voice and photo, as if we were 1-on-1 in my office, no matter where you are in the world … we are all connected!

Can You Locate Lost Animals?

Yes, but only if they wish to be found.

Does The Animal Need To Agree To Communicate?

Yes, and most are willing, but occasionally some are not.

Does My Animal Have An Archetypal Pattern?

Frequently the do. Some are warriors or protectors, and even princesses.

How Do I Pay For A Consultation?

You will be sent a PayPal invoice after the session unless another form of payment has been agreed upon.

Still Have Questions?

Contact Me Directly

    (This information is invaluable to me for my marketing, thank you!!)

    !"'\#$%&()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.