Elizabeth Thorson, RN

Medical Intuitive & Intuitive Consultant

Challenges arise in our lives when we are not in agreement with who we came in here to be. Life experiences and the choices we make both positive and negative, create patterns that are held within the individual. These patterns can manifest in many areas of life including physical, spiritual and emotional health. Elizabeth identifies areas where the soul’s contract is and is not being met and show up as unhealthy relationships, illness, or career difficulties to get our attention. The identification of the deeper issues is the first step in returning to the soul’s purpose.

Thoughts From Previous Clients

  • “Very insightful medical intuitive reading that made me more aware of current and potentially future health/wellness issues. Elizabeth is warm, wise and highly professional. It was a pleasure to work with her.”

    Mabel Valdiviezo
    Mabel Valdiviezo Client
  • “Elizabeth is spot on accurate, thorough, compassionate, and professional, with the utmost integrity of work. My session was very affirming, and provided great insight into what's happening on the subtle and not-so-subtle levels of my being.”

    Bonn P
    Bonn P Client
  • “The information was validated when she described his distinctive walk and the image of a branding iron brand…..he was a rancher & had a very distinctive way of walking & a distinctive brand.”

    Jane, Iowa
    Jane, Iowa Client
  • “She described only his shoes in the beginning, how shiny they were and how you could almost see yourself in them. Dad would spit shine his shoes every Saturday and he always said you can tell a man by their shoes”

    GT, Maine
    GT, Maine Client

Frequently Asked Questions

About My Medical Intuitive Readings

What Is The Fee For A Medical Intuitive Assessment?

Please refer to my Fees Page for detailed pricing information on all my consultation services.

Click Here To For My Pricing Information

What Is Needed For A Consultation

I ask all my new clients to submit their information and a recent photograph (no sunglesses please) using my Consultation Request Form.

What Is The Purpose Of The Free 5 Minute Consultation

This brief conversation is intended to ensure that my services are right for you before we commit to a full length paid consultation.

How Can Elizabeth Work With People At A Distance

I am able to connect into your unique energy through voice and photo, as if we were 1-on-1 in my office, no matter where you are in the world … we are all connected!

How Much Phone Time Is Involved?

I usually schedule my Medical Intuitive Reading clients for 1hr of one-on-one time, and this allows for question, answers, and a discussion of options.

Will I Be Able To Take Notes?

I find that the amount of information presented during my readings makes it almost impossible to attempt note taking, and I prefer that my clients be truly present for the experience.

That said, each session is recorded and provided to you in an audio or video format.

Is There A Cost If The Consult Needs To Go Over the 1 hr?

Additional phone time may be required, but I try very hard to stay in the 1hr time frame. You can review the cost for this additional time, in addition to pricing for all my various services on my Fees Page.

How Do I Pay For A Consultation?

You will be sent a PayPal invoice after the session unless another form of payment has been agreed upon.

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From My Blog

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Still Have Questions?

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